The Springfield Armory Third Generation scope mount attaches with these two large thumb screws. Although it would be tempting to use just finger strength to tighten these they are best secured with the use of a very large screwdriver. I have heard some complaints about this model of mount but in my use the scope mount has held completely tight. The primary argument heard is that the mount is made of aluminum and stretches under recoil. The entire upper and lower recievers of the AR-15 are also made of aluminum as are the engine blocks of many race cars and both operate without issue too.
The 30mm ring set is a set of ARMS #22 Medium rings. These rings lower the scopes large bell just low enough to still be able to use the iron sights.
This five shot group was shot at 100 yards at a local range that allows only one cartridge in a magazine at a time. This restriction doesn’t allow the best performance from a semiautomatic.
This was done using iron sights and 40 year old eyes on the rifle’s first trip to the range. The three center shots measure .775” the total group is 1.70”.