Possibly the most popular .22 LR rifle in the world if not the most popular rifle of any kind is the Ruger 10/22. Mine is the stainless steel with synthetic stock - the all weather model. It is very light and accurate right out of the box. There are dozens of enhancements available for this rifle to replace every part save the receiver. Bolts, barrels, trigger actions and stocks fill pages and pages of many firearm parts catalog making the 10/22 as flexible as the AR-15 series of rifles. I’ve replaced the barrel with a carbond fiber 0.920 inch thick, 21 inch long bull barrel and taking the light weight synthetic stocks off and replacing them with a nearly as light bull barrel channel set. But when I picked up the rifle and started shooting with it the rifle was so “right” as it was - light and fast pointing. I’ve also added one of Volquartson’s Trigger Guard 2000’s. The Volquartsen’s unit replaces everything in the action - trigger, sear, bolt release, springs and magazine release by simply removing removing two pins.
Compared to my Ruger Mk.II pistol the 10/22 is a wonder to work on. Easy to take down, simple to clean and few moving parts in the trigger assembly. I’ve mounted a scope on it and have put it to work on some paper targets.
(above) The rifle as it came stock.
At right is the current configuration of this flexible rifle with the Simmons Whitetail Classic 2-10 x 44 mm scope, Butler Creek lightweight barrel and stock, and Volquartsen Trigger Guard 2000. Only the receiver, bolt and firing pin are still stock. The scope rings are Leupold quick release rings.