After forty eight continuous days at sea we pulled into Jebel Ali United Arab Emirates. The country is very unique and very strict. The Muslim religion forbids the consumption of alcohol and only visitors are able to drink alcohol. We can be arrested if alcohol is even smelled on our breath. Women remain covered from head to toe in long traditional garb and strangers are prohibited from looking at or speaking to them. Some of the men wear the traditonal garb and others wear western style clothing.
The gold market in Dubai. There are hundreds of these little shops packed to the ceiling with gold.
Top: A closer look at one of the gold stores. Right: That’s me in the middle bringing home the goods. We hired that boat just off of the walk from us.
Above: The view from our hired boat on the Dubai Creek of a Muslim temple.
Above: Two of the office towers in downtown Dubai. Note the contrast of the new buildings amoung the old.
Second Visit November 7 to 11 Canceled
The Persian Gulf remained at TreatCon (condition) Delta - the highest possible state of readiness so the port visit was canceled. We did have a very popular Bingo game on the ship’s television system on Halloween.
Third Visit December 7 to 11 Canceled
Fourth Visit December 24 to 27 Restricted to the Pier
Due to the threat condition the ship’s company was not allowed to leave the pier factilities. 3500 sailors were allowed off the ship into a small 300 by 200 yard “sand box” for some much deserved liberty. The activities were pretty limiting to eating with 3500 people, drinking beer with 3500 people or shopping in one of five to ten small trailers with 3500 people.